Following, the most diverse panflute players around the world report on the quality and
characteristics of the Ulitza panflute.
The pictures are links to the websites of the musicians:

李濬廷 David Tin / Taiwan

適合各種曲風,真心推薦 Ulrich 這牌的排笛!好聲音!
In my perspective, every pan-flutist should own one ULITZA-Panflute. It is not only with elegant appearance, but also has excellent handling. The most important of all, it produces fascinating sound in treble, tenor and bass. Whether you play quick or slow melodies, it generates amazing notes and suit all kind of composing styles. I really recommend ULITZA-Panflutes to everyone!
「李濬廷 David Tin」現在是台灣、中國和香港、日本、韓國客戶的 Ulitza-Panpipes 獨家進口商!如需諮詢和訂購,請直接聯繫「 李濬廷David Tin 」
David Tin is now an exclusive importer of Ulitza panpipes for clients from TAIWAN, CHINA, HONG KONG, JAPAN and KOREA! For all inquiries, prices, orders and delivery deadlines, please contact David Tin directly:
Click on the picture:


Berchtold / Switzerland

I have been the proud owner of the Ulitza
pan flute number 1000 for three years. The Ulitza has convinced
me with its sound since day one. Despite her great ambition,
she has a quick and clear response. The workmanship is at
the highest level and has held up very well over the years,
it has become an integral part of my "pan flute arsenal".
I still prefer to play with flutes by Radu
Nechifor and Ulrich Herkenhoff.

Tobias Stebner / Germany

In the last few years I have tried and played various different panpipes from different professional manufacturers. Since I am quite satisfied with the panpipes of a manufacturer, I am also here for a while. Lastly, I wanted to buy another panpipe, so I visited Ulrich Herkenhoff and tried the Ulitza-Panflute at his home.
It was immediately clear to me, that my next panpipe would be a Ulitza-Panpipe, because these flutes are very special! Now I've been playing the Ulitza-flute for a few months, and I'm more than thrilled!
Other panpipes can convince visually very well. But as far as the sonority, the response and the intonation are concerned, the Ulitza panpipes are really in the top league. The sound over the entire panpipe is perfectly balanced. The high notes are precise, stable and playable with ease, the deep notes very rich and speak absolutely clean. No matter what tone you play on the panpipe, the dynamics are simply incredible! That's exactly how I imagine a really good panpipe.
Actually, the Ulitza panpipe was intended as a second flute. Now I've sold my previous panpipes because I just do not play them anymore.
Panflutists, who have no special and individual requirements, can rely on the fact that they get an absolute premium panpipe, which can be played ingeniously.
If you have very special wishes and requirements, you can discuss this with Ulli down to the smallest detail. With his experience and expertise, he will "conjure up" a panpipe that is second to none.
Thanks Ulli, for your great panpipes! |

Jeanne Gollut / Switzerland

Je joue régulièrement sur des flûtes « Ulitza » et je trouve que ce sont de très bons instruments. Leur timbre a beaucoup de caractère et on peut ainsi jouer avec beaucoup d’expressivité ; les sons graves sont particulièrement beaux! Les flûtes Ulitza ont aussi une grande amplitude sonore et permettent de faire de belles nuances. Enfin, elles sont très bien construites : solides, belles, les finitions sont précises, la sonorité est régulière sur toute la flûte, les embouchures sont confortables. Elles sont aussi légères, ce qui permet un bon confort de jeu. Je recommande ces instruments et je remercie beaucoup Ulrich pour son travail !
I play regularly on Ulitza panflutes and think that they are very good instruments. Its timbre has a
lot of character and allows great expressiveness. Especially in the bass I like it very much! The
Ulitza panflutes have great dynamics and allow playing with variable timbres. After all, they are
beautifully built, accurate in surface and solid. The sound is very balanced and the polished section
very pleasant. Their weight is quite light, which allows a good playing comfort. I recommend these
instruments and I thank Ulrich for his work!

Elisabeth Niggl / Munich / Germany

On the Ulitza panflutes, I appreciate the enormous possibilities of the differentiated sound design as
well as the fullness, presence and warmth of the sound, the pleasant "handling" due to the light
weight and the aesthetics of the excellently constructed panflutes (see for example a detail like the
mahogany socket and maple).
I recommend the Ulitza panflutes with great enthusiasm!

Christos Papachristos / Griechenland

Με μεγάλη χαρά και ενθουσιασμό, θα ηθελα να εκφράσω με λογια, την χαρά και την τύχη που εχω, να κατέχω Παναυλους(Συρινγξ )απο τον αξιοσέβαστο Ullrich Herkenhoff, μαέστρο τοσο στην κατασκευή οσο και στην μουσικη απόδοση του οργάνου!Αν προσπαθούσα να περιγράψω τον Ήχο τους, θα έλεγα πως αντηχεί , λες και ειναι βγαλμενο απο την αρχαία εποχή του Μέγα Παν, γλυκός,ευαίσθητος,τραγανος,δυνατός,μελωδικος!Τα όργανα του Ulrich Herkenhoff σου δίνουν την δυνατότητα με ευκολία να βγάλεις τον Ήχο που ακτινοβολεί οπως το Φως !Ειναι ο Ήχος του Φωτός !Ειναι ο Ήχος της χαράς!Ανοιγει και απλώνεται, υπακούοντας με τρομερή ευαισθησία στον οδηγό του!!Ulli θελω μεσα απο την καρδια μου να σε ευχαριστήσω για αυτα τα όργανα που μου εχεις προσφέρει και εύχομαι ο Μέγας Παν να σου δίνει τα πάντα!
Παπαχρηστος Χρήστος
With great enthusiasm I would like to put into words the joy and my happiness about pan flutes from the workshop of the respected Ulrich Herkenhoff, master in building and playing the instrument! If I were to describe their sound, I would say that the ancient spirit of the God Pan resonates, sweet, sensitive, crispy, strong, melodious! Ulitza pan flutes give you the opportunity to create the sound that shines like light! It is the sound of light! It's the sound of joy! It opens and spreads and obeys his player with enormous sensitivity! Ulli, I would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart for these instruments that you built for me, the big Pan should only have good things in store for you.
Papachristos Christos

Hansjörg Rechsteiner / Switzerland

I and some of my pupils play Ulitza-Panflutes by Ulrich Herkenhoff, the renowned panflute
virtuoso from Germany, with great enthusiasm. On these instruments, I appreciate the enormous
sound presence through a full yet soft sound. The sound volume, the easy response, especially in the
low registers, and a rich tonal modulation ability make this instrument for me to a master flute.

Georg Conradin / Switzerland

For more than ten years I play two Ulitza flutes specially built for me. Their sound corresponds
exactly to my idea of a panflute: full, warm, a little rough. Even the lower notes can be played
intensively. The flutes have a wealth of sound that allows expressive play. Nevertheless, the weight
of the flutes is comparatively low, which is very pleasant when playing. |

Wen / Taiwan
Herrwith I would like to introduce the Taiwanese friends to the Ulitza panflutes. So far, we have a
total of twelve tenors and eight alto flutes, which are very high quality. The higher pitch is silvery
and sonorous, the deeper is full and with beautiful resonance. Ulitza panflutes are therefore very
pleasant and effortless. The Ulitza panflute is always our first choice! |

Silviu Stefureac / Deutschland

Din Noiembrie 2019 am inceput sa studiez naiul, singur, fără profesor, fără ajutor. De aceea mi-a fost foarte greu să găsesc naiul potrivit pentru mine. Am cheltuit mulți bani degeaba și am cumpărat multe naiuri, dar numai foarte puține erau bune... Apoi am cumpărat primul nai Alto de la Ulitza Panflötenbau și după un timp scurt am constatat: în sfârșit am găsit naiul potrivit pentru mine! Intre timp am mai cumpărat încă două naiuri, care îmi sunt foarte dragi, le iubesc și pot să când cu ele foarte ușor. Eu nu sunt muzician profesionist. Însă pot să spun că se poate cânta foarte ușor în toate registrele, toate tuburile. Mulțumesc domnului Ulrich Herkenhoff pentru aceste naiuri perfecte, care sună grandios, dar și pentru amabilitate și pentru lucrul bine făcut!
Since November 2019 I have started to learn the pan flute, self-taught, without a teacher. That's why it was very difficult for me to find the best pan flute for me. I bought many panpipes and spent a lot of money for nothing, unfortunately very few panpipes were good, in my opinion. I finally bought the first alto pan flute from Ulitza Panflötenbau. After a short time this pan flute has become my favorite one. I thought I finally found my pan flute! I have since bought two more Ulitza panpipes which I love very much and play very easily, all tubes. I'm not a professional musician, but I can say, that these panpipes are really great! Many thanks to Ulrich Herkenhoff for these wonderful panpipes, which sound great, thanks for kindness and for the very good work! |